Aan de UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve) is er een vacature voor een academische post ‘Didactiek van het Nederlands als vreemde taal’ (0,5EFT).
Hieronder vindt u een beknopte vacaturetekst in het Engels:
The successful candidate will have teaching assignments in the field of the didactics of Dutch as a foreign language and the acquisition of Dutch as a foreign language.
The successful candidate will develop and drive a cutting-edge research program on topics such as :
- Applied linguistics: Dutch as a foreign language, leading to the publication of pedagogical materials;
- The didactics of Dutch as a foreign language, the didactics of interculturality;
- The foreign/second language acquisition and learning.
Specific qualifications
- The successful candidate will hold a teacher training degree (secondary education).
- She/he will have a perfect command of oral and written Dutch.
- Within the teacher-training program, the successful candidate will develop contacts with teacher training colleges (“hautes écoles”) and with secondary schools and secondary teachers' associations, for example in the context of pre- and in-service training.
Practical information:
Application deadline: 15th November 2019
Starting date: 1st September, 2020
Further information:
Prof. Cédrick Fairon, Dean FIAL – doyen-fial@uclouvain.be
Prof. Philippe Verhaegen, President ILC – president-ilc@uclouvain.be
Wilt u meer over deze vacature weten?
Alle informatie is te vinden op:
- https://jobs.uclouvain.be/PersonnelAcademique/job/Un%C2%B7e-acad%C3%A9mique-en-Didactique-du-n%C3%A9erlandais-langue-%C3%A9trang%C3%A8re-%280%2C50-EFT%29/560236001/ (Franstalige versie)
- https://jobs.uclouvain.be/PersonnelAcademique/job/An-academic-position-in-Didactics-of-Dutch-as-a-Foreign-Language-%280%2C5-EFT%29/560236101/ (Engelstalige versie)
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